Everything You Need to Know About Halal Sweets

Everything You Need to Know About Halal Sweets

The importance of dietary regulation is appreciated and followed all over the world. Especially in the Islamic traditions, people prefer to consume foods that are halal (not haram), and sweets are no different. 

Halal sweets are getting a lot of popularity lately. People who love to add sweet-somethings in their everyday diet are loving halal confectionery for their purity and amazing taste. If you want to abide by the Islamic laws and want to consume sweets that are allowed for Muslims, halal sweet treats can be your best pick. 

However, before you incorporate halal sweets into your diet, here is a guide that you need to know all about Halal sweets. This small post will help you understand the concept of halal and what makes certain sweets halal - So, let’s quickly dive in:

What is the meaning of halal? 

Halal is an Arabic word, and it means lawful/acceptable/permissible in English. This way, halal sweets mean the sweets that are acceptable to eat under the Islamic rules.

The Islamic dietary laws define whether a food is halal or haram; haram means prohibited in English. Haram and halal words are the most common and important when talking about the types of meat and their process of preparation. For instance, pork is prohibited meat, but how one slaughters the meat is also equally important. Cutting of jugular vein, windpipe, and carotid artery of poultry or slaughtering meat are considered as halal methods. As blood is forbidden, so it should not remain in the body. 

In simple words, halal is a word referred to the foods or drinks that are prepared using a specific process or using only ingredients that are acceptable according to the Islamic laws. 

Is halal and haram recognised in sweets?

Interestingly, there are halal and haram sweets and candies. The gummy and chewy sweets mostly contain gelatin. Gelatin is a food ingredient that is flavorless and colorless and is produced from pork. Whereas some sweets contain cow (beef) gelatin or vegetable gelatin and are slaughtered under Islamic laws. 

Is the taste of halal sweets different?

No, people enjoy eating halal sweets regularly and even cannot distinguish the taste from others! There are famous brands that manufacture halal candies, and if one doesn’t go through the ingredients of the sweets, it would be hard for them to figure out the difference between halal sweets and regular sweets!

Where can I get halal sweets from?

It is hard to get halal candy or sweets sometimes, as many sweets available in the market have pork gelatin as an ingredient. Not only do food items contain pork, but some cosmetics and pharmaceutical products also contain gelatin... so Muslims need to check the ingredients of products they want to consume.

However, with increased demand and understanding of halal sweets all over the world for Muslims, the sweet makers have started manufacturing more and more halal sweets. Because of progressive-thinking halal sweets manufacturers, children now can taste delicious gummy bears and gummy worms without breaking the rules of the Muslim dietary. Many brands have changed their recipe and the ingredients of their sweets to follow dietary guidelines. Along with using halal gelatin, they stopped the use of colours and flavours that are alcohol-based since it is haram for Muslims to consume alcohol. 

If you are not sure whether the sweets or candies are halal or not, you can contact the manufacturer and clear your doubts before consuming them. Meanwhile you can consider checking Jubbas Store. Here you will get the best halal sweets and candies manufactured according to Islamic dietary guidelines. 


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