Meaning of Bismillah and Its Benefits

Meaning of Bismillah and Its Benefits

Bismillah is a common holy spell for Muslims. It holds a unique significance in Muslims' lives, hence the need to mention it before any action or activity.

Muslims say Bismillah to begin their activities in the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. As Muslims, we say it to invite blessings and the help of Allah (SWT) to make things better and easier.

Now, what is the meaning of Bismillah and what significance does it hold to say it? Read on to find out!

Meaning of Bismillah

Bismillah translates to "In the name of Allah." It is also known as Basmalah, and its longer version is Bismillah-ir-Rahamaan-ir-Raheem.

It is a combination of three Arabic words, namely "Bis," "Ism," and "Allah." These three words translate to give us the following meaning;

Bis- In/With

Ism- The name of

Allah- Allah

Benefits of Saying Bismillah

Abu Hurcurah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported the message of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah upon him), "Every important word or matter that does not begin with the remembrance of Allah is maimed."

The first dua a child learns when they enter the world begins with Bismillah, and the last dua when a Muslim brethren is being buried also begins with Bismillah. It signifies the importance of including Allah (SWT) in every phase of life.

Saying Bismillah helps individuals and benefits Muslims in many ways, including the following;

Asking for Allah's Help and Guidance in Your Work

Bismillah, as we have seen above, contains three other names of Allah. These names are significant as you carry out your daily activities.

Allah - His name signifies that everything happens by Allah's wish and will.

Rahman (mercy) - Only Allah can keep the project going and guard it against Shaitan and destruction.

Raheem (Most merciful) - Only Allah, through his great mercy, can enable a person to benefit from the project.

Beginning every project with Bismillah invites Allah's blessings in your project, and you will yield fruits from it.

Bismillah Blesses Food Before Eating

Saying Bismillah welcomes Allah's blessings on the food we eat. Significantly, the food will be of benefit to our bodies. It will keep Shaitan away as we dine. If you forget to say Bismillah before eating, you should say Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu, which translates to "I begin with the name of Allah at the beginning and the end."

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said that it keeps Shaitan away. Similarly, the Quran warns against eating meat before which Allah's name has not been mentioned.

"Eat not (O believers) of that (meat) on which Allah's name has not been pronounced (at the time of slaughtering the animal)."

Bismillah Discourages Sin

Remember, you are mentioning Bismillah before every simple and significant act in your daily life. One in their right mind cannot pronounce the name of Allah; then they proceed to do a sinful act. 

It helps you think twice before acting; hence Bismillah helps in Muslim piety and practice to ensure the initiation of good deeds and mental orientation.

Bismillah Reminds Us of Allah's Power and Ability

When you begin everything in the name of Allah, you learn that nothing is successful without Allah's approval. An admission of every Muslim individual proves that everything is the creation of Allah.


Bismillah gives us protection in our daily lives. Starting every day in the name of Allah assures Muslims of Allah's mercy and protection throughout the day.

Similarly, it brings blessings upon our activities and families; saying Bismillah is not just out of routine but holds a deeper meaning in the life of every Muslim.

Having said that, you might want to purchase some of the cutest Bismillah-printed  items for you and your family. They will always remind you of how great Allah is and you’ll not forget to include Bismillah in everything you need. Check out and make your purchase today! 

Feature Image Source: Photo by Abdullah Arif on Unsplash


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