Aren't homemade cakes so much better than store-bought ones?
They are more delectable, healthier (yes, cakes can be nutritious too!), and easy to make.
Not to mention the lung-filling pleasant aroma when you turn on the oven to bake the cake batter at home!
Unfortunately, most of us often choose an expensive and additive-filled commercial cake. While they are tasty, you have to bake a cake at home at least once to know why the latter is better.
In this blog, find several substantial reasons for baking a cake at home and why not to rush to the store or bakery.
Why Bake a Cake at Home?
It Tastes 10X Better!
The cakes you prepare yourself always taste better than the ones you buy from a bakery or supermarket.
In a homemade cake, you can use any ingredients and flavours to satisfy your unique liking for food. On the other hand, there is virtually less chance that outside cakes will satisfy that palate. The ingredient lists for store-bought cakes read more like a science experiment than a recipe because of all the preservatives they use.
How could something like that taste delicious?
Making your cake at home is the best way to ensure that it turns out flawlessly and tastes amazing.
It Gains Healthy Points!
The fact that homemade cakes are so much healthier than commercially produced ones is one of the most decisive reasons to bake a cake. Cakes at the bakery, as we all know, contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients.
The exact nutritional content of a pre-made cake from a bakery or supermarket store is barely known. You have complete control over the ingredients if you bake the cake at home. So pick natural ingredients for your cake rather than buying a processed cake.
If you prefer, you can make low-fat versions at home.
Also, you can eliminate the likelihood of any allergies, which is particularly crucial if any cake eaters have dietary restrictions or food intolerances.
For instance, if a friend or relative has a gluten allergy, you can prepare the ideal gluten-free cake rather than taking a chance on buying a cake that might contain gluten.
Light on Your Pocket
The cost of a typical bakery cake is substantially higher than purchasing the ingredients to make your cake. You can even use some of the cake ingredients more than once.
Making your cakes will save you a tonne of money if your family likes to eat cakes often.
Serves as a Happy Time!
Psychologists claim that baking and cooking are therapeutic activities and help lower stress. Additionally, it aids in relaxing.
Do you remember how much you loved helping your mother bake cakes and licking the mixing bowl clean?
Dive into your childhood again by choosing to spend some 'me' time while baking alone. You could also decide to host a baking party and involve your spouse and kids. Ask them to assist with cake decoration or ingredient preparation.
It’s Hygienic!
The level of hygiene of the bakery or store is one of the major problems with purchasing cakes. While there are hygiene standards, there’s no way to know unless you barge into their kitchen. However, when you bake at home, you can ensure that everything you use to bake your cake is completely clean.
So, take some time out of your day this weekend, and bake the goodness of a healthy, scrumptious cake!
If you don’t have high-quality baking essentials, buy them at Jubbas to bake a delicious and healthy cake.