My Daughters

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My Lord has bestowed Ghada , Assia, Nora and Ladan upon me. it is through them all that i am capable of appreciated with a heart which is devoid of mercy, happiness, emotions or indeed, they are the genuine extension of that warm root to my mother , whose beautiful name Nora which i am so grateful , after my gratitude to my lord : Like a gentle shade, she constantly embraced and overwhelmed me with her affection.she imbued me with much of her life, spirit, blood and language.had i not gone through the wonderful school of my mother, I would in no way have savoured the sweetness of hope, satisfaction, and beauty.

Does it stand to reason to phrase eloquent introductions on women's rights and their status in islam , while we fall too short to put that into practice in our daily life_at home, at school, in the market, or in the mosque ?

