Yemeni Sidr Pure Raw Honey

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Sidr Flavour
Sidr Flavour: Raw Honey
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We specialise in selling raw premium Sidr honey from the valleys of Tihamah in the north of Yemen. We guarantee the quality of our honey and offer a generous refund policy. We believe that selling the best quality is the right way to cultivate a long-term relationship with our customers.

Yemeni Sidr Honey is one of the finest honeys in the world. It's distinctive taste, health-promoting nutrition values, and limited quantity (due to the war) gives it this reputation. Sidr honey comes from Sidr trees, which grow uncultivated in the desert areas of Yemen.

In Yemen, the method of bee keeping has always been a traditional one. No chemicals or drugs allowed. No machinery used. All are done using simple tools, a little smoke and knives. The honey is then poured, unheated and raw, into containers, thus preserving its vital live enzymatic constituents.

350gm Jar

